Research Contributions:
Indoor Geolocation
The research program of indoor geolocation is divided into indoor geolocation using the more precise TOA-based localization for military and public safety applications and the RSS-based localization used in popular commercial applications for smart devices. The TOA-based localization was focused on the analysis of the effects of multipath on TOA-based indoor localization and discovey of algorithm to mitigate these effects. Results of seminal research at CWINS has introduced the first channel models for multipath effects as well as super-resolution and cooperative localization algorithms for mitigating the multipath effects. The work on RSS-based localization has been in cooperation with Skyhook, Boston, MA and involves key patents on WiFi localization already used in billions of smart devices. This research program was funded by a variety of organizations that included DARPA, NSF, DoD, Nokia, and Finnish government
IEEE Wireless Workshops
Richard J. Lynch
Executive VP, CTO, Verizon Communications
John Hines
Center Chief Technologist, NASA Ames Research Center
Jalal Mapar
Program Manager, Science and Technology Directorate, Department of Homeland Security
Major Projects
Innovative Indoor Geolocation Using RF Multipath Diversity (DARPA)
- Kaveh Pahlavan
- Robert Tingley
- Ahmad Hatami
- Mohammad Heidari
- Ferit Akgul
This will be accomplished by developing a signal processing methodology and algorithms which address several fundamental limitations of existing active, passive, or aided concepts. This development will be based on localization and tracking of electronic tags capable of receiving and retransmitting (with or without alteration) signals received from known signal sources located within a local network. The key innovation is to more fully exploit the diversity of measurement phenomena and unique waveform characteristics of indoor RF multipath signals. Measurements of received signal strength, angle of arrival, time of arrival, time difference of arrival and Doppler will be exploited, as appropriate, for each individual multipath signal element.
CWINS works on the analysis and modeling of the multipath and performance of traditional algorithms and Draper Laboratory works on algorithms exploiting multipath diversity.
Innovative Methods for Geolocation and Communication with UWB Mobile Radio Networks (DARPA)
Principal Investigators
- Kaveh Pahlavan (CWINS)
- Jim Silverstrim (IWT)
Research Staff (CWINS)
- Xinrong Li
- Bardia Alavi
- Nayef Alsindi
The main contribution of CWINS is to characterize UWB RF propagation in various environments and develop indoor positioning algorithms that support accurate indoor positioning in an adhoc networking environment. IWT will design the hardware for implementation of the actual communication network. Phase I of this project was completed successfully and we are awaiting the start of Phase II.
In this project Prof. Pahlavan’s group used the UWB measurements in 3-6GHz bands to develop a novel model for indoor geolocation. The model was then used for evaluation of indoor geolocation algorithms.
Indoor Geolocation Science for 4G Wireless Networks (NSF)
Principal Investigators
- Kaveh Pahlavan
Research Staff
- Jacques Beneat
- Xinrong Li
- Bardia Alavi
- Emad Zand
- Muzaffer Kanaan
- Nayef Alsindi
Two specific research objectives in this project were:
- To analyze the multipath characteristics of the indoor radio propagation that affect the performance of indoor geolocation systems through empirical broadband measurements in typical sites, and design of statistical measurement-based and geometrical models for the behavior of the channel.
- To use the results of objective 1 to lay a foundation for the design and performance evaluation of distributed indoor geolocation systems capable of locating objects in smart indoor spaces where numerous unreliable sources interact to provide an accurate location of each element.
For the first objective indoor channel measurements of the TOA of the first path at GHz frequencies were performed to prepare a database for future research in this field. The measurement data base includes LOS and NLOS measurements. Results of these measurements were used to analyze the effectiveness of the super-resolution algorithms. Also, a novel model for the distance measurement error for indoor geolocation was developed under this project.
Real-Time Channel Simulation for Telecommunication and Geolocation Applications (DoD DURIP)
Principal Investigators
- Kaveh Pahlavan (CWINS)
- Allan Levesque (CWINS)
- Jacques Beneat (CWINS)
Research Staff
- Mohammad Heidari
- Leon T. Metreaud
Urban Geolocation System Analysis and Demonstrator (TASC-Litone/DARPA)
Principal Investigators
- Kaveh Pahlavan (CWINS)
- James Matthews (CWINS)
- Paul Creamer (TASC/Litton)
- Joseph Pizano (TASC/Litton)
Research Staff
- Jacques Beneat
- Prashant Krishnamurthy
- Ahmad Hatami
- Yan Xu
- Mirela Marku
Preliminary results of ray tracing simulation and initial measurements showed that in many situations the signal arriving from the direct path (DP) is not the strongest signal arriving at the receiver. Traditional receivers, however, lock to the path associated with the strongest received signal. Therefore, the estimated distance found with traditional receivers may correspond to an arbitrary distance that includes a number of reflections of the signal before it arrives at the receiver. This observation revealed a need for research in modeling of the indoor radio channel and design of new signal structures and algorithms for indoor geolocation that led to other indoor geolocation projects pursued at WPI.
The preliminary results of this project were presented in several DARPA open review workshops, two DARPA reports, and several pioneering papers and presentations
Wireless Indoor Geolocation and Voice Over IPV6 - WINGIP (U of Oulu/TEKES, Nokia, Finnish Airforce)
Principal Investigators
- Kaveh Pahlavan (CWINS)
- Matti Latva-Aho (CWC/U. of Oulu, Finland)
This project was focused on practical telecommunication aspects in the design of PHY and MAC layers and in the general architecture of the network. Design of system architecture and traffic engineering for IGT-WIN networks were in its infancy. A good solution for this problem involves understanding the worldwide evolution of products and standards. For this reason CWINS-CWC team that has interaction with Nokia and other leading commercial wireless companies is an ideal team to pursue this design.
The specific goals of this project were to study the architecture of the existing geolocation products, study the progress in PHY and MAC layer design for Bluetooth and Home RF projects, design PHY and MAC layers to support both geolocation and telecommunication applications, and design an architecture for the Vo-IP network. The project resulted in several graduate theses in the US and Finland.