
“Professorship is a pant with two legs: research and education”

Richard A Gallagher, WPI Provost 1984-1988

Material provided in “professional life” part of the biography are divided into research, education, and professional services. These divisions are commonly adopted by academic institutions to evaluate faculty contributions. The research contributions have been performed at Prof. Pahlavan’s laboratory, the Center for Wireless Information Network Studies (CWINS), WPI. Summary of CWINS’ early contributions is documented in this page benefiting from an ACM journal article [1] published as a part of an special issue on early academic research program in wireless networks. CWINS’ specific contributions in research are described in four other pages under: Wi-Fi, the Wireless LAN; Indoor Geolocation; Body area Networking; and RF Cloud Intelligence. The contributions in education are documented by providing sample of multi-media courses in a page and a summary of the textbooks written by Professor Pahlavan in another page.   Services provides contributions to professional society and are divided into the list of conferences and workshop as well as scientific journals that Prof. Pahlavan has founded or chaired.  

“The Center for Wireless Information Network Studies (CWINS) is a renowned compact wireless research laboratory with a successful history of research alliances with other industrial and academic groups. The center has performed research for government agencies and has close ties with the world-leading organizations in the wireless industry. The core competence of the center is in indoor radio channel propagation measurement modeling and in the development of testbeds and tools for the design and performance monitoring of wireless indoor communications networks and applications. For over three decades, by publishing an international periodical journal, organizing several workshops, and participating in organizing yearly international conferences, the center has contributed significantly to information exchange among important sectors of the wireless industry. The research program in wireless information networks at WPI was established in 1985 as the first research program of this sort in the world. In 1986, the program was awarded the first NSF grant in modern wireless communications to start pioneering work on channel modeling, transmission, and multiple access methods for wireless indoor networks.  In 1991, the center organized the first IEEE Workshop on Wireless LANs, which was held at WPI. In 1992, the center organized the Third IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) in Boston. In 1994, the center founded the International Journal on Wireless Information Networks, Springer Nature, the first journal in wireless networks. In 1995, Prof. Pahlavan and Dr. Levesque published “Wireless Information Networks”, John Wiley and Sons, the first graduate-level textbook in wireless networks. [1]” Later on, center continued pioneering research in indoor geolocation, body area networks, and RF cloud intelligence.